
Showing posts from July, 2024


  If by “hyper grace” you mean that people who profess to be true (and even spiritually mature) Christians can and should unrestrainedly, justifiably, obstinately and delightfully implement intentional and impenitent wickedness or unrighteousness because “Christ paid for their sins” and “they can’t lose salvation”, then that is a doctrine of devils designed to delude such as they are.  It may be indicative that the people who buy into or subscribe to this particular idea, philosophy or school of thought are not really saved. Yes, Christ paid for sins—past, present and future.  Yes, salvation is eternal, a work of God, and cannot be lost. But no, God’s child awakened by God’s Spirit does not intentionally and/or impenitently continue to work, promote and celebrate lawlessness and wickedness against God and fellow man just because they can get away with it.  Not so!  It is not in the Nature of God (who is Spirit). Thus, it is not in the (spiritual) nature of God’s children (who are born


  Please there is no other gospel.  Why do people prefer to please themselves and displease God?  Do people really know God’s truth or they are deceived and deceiving others?  People talk about different “moves of God” to justify some unscriptural practices and false doctrines taught and done in the name of Christ. What other moves of God? Do they understand the truth of the Gospel of Christ?  Why not humbly seek to know the true Gospel, accept truth and turn from preaching falsehood or deception?  Do they think they can preach a false gospel to selfishly enrich themselves and then get away with it before the Just God? There are dire consequences.  People don’t understand the seriousness of preaching a different gospel (false gospel).  It’s not a sentimental thing. God’s truth is not subjective or differing from preacher to preacher.  Many preachers do not understand the Gospel and the truth of Scripture.  They don’t really know Christ.  That’s a hard truth that is difficult to accept


A fool has said in his heart: “There is no God.” What does this mean? Firstly, it does not refer to a professed atheist: that is, one who openly proclaims that there is no God. No, it refers to one who may publicly acknowledge that there is God yet IN HIS HEART he does not truly recognize and reckon that God really exists. God is not in their consciousness. The reality of God does not guide their thoughts and actions, especially how they relate with others. Secondly, what God? If God exists, what does that exactly means? Which God? Who or what is God? God is the Ultimate Reference for good and evil. God is the Perfect Judge of all men and all things. God is the Invisible Spirit who sees everything—yes, including the secret motives of the hearts of men. God is not a man that He should lie. God cannot be mocked. His law firmly stipulates: “whatever a person sows that shall they also reap.” There is no partiality or prejudice with God.  He is a good God not a bad being.  God is just, righ


  The following are questions that I have been curiously asked by some of the people who have read or heard what I write or say, over the years: “Why are you saying these things?” “Why are you sharing (biblical but unconventional) truths?  “Are you a pastor?” Let me break them down them into different possible thought processes that have generated them: In other words:  Who gave you the authority to say these things?  What (moral, spiritual or positional) right or ranking do you really have to speak publicly about them?  Are you holy, righteous or anointed enough to say things that obviously challenge (albeit in a non-confrontational way) the religious status quo? Or, are you just trying to rock the boat? Are you chasing clout or seeking cheap publicity? But do you not know or realize that it can ‘spoil market for’ (metaphorical colloquialism for: impede or jeopardize the economic prospects or viability of) many ‘pastors and churches’ and as a matter of fact the entire commercialized r