Here’s something to think deeply and personally about.

Without godly love, we are truly and totally empty, spiritually speaking—what Scripture refers to as a “noisy gong” and “clanging cymbal”.

“If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”

That’s in First Corinthians chapter 13 verse 1.

A gong is disk-shaped or saucer-shaped percussion music instrument that produces a resounding tone when struck, usually with a padded or mechanical hammer.

A cymbal is also a percussion music instrument that is part of most drum kits.

It is simply a metal plate often used in pairs to produce a sharp clashing sound when struck with a drumstick or when dashed together. 

Cymbals make a very loud and reverberating sound when hit together as they vibrate for a long time.

Sharp. Sonorous. Sustained. 

Conspicuous and consistent.

Are you getting the analogy?

Noisy gong or clanging cymbal refers to a gong or cymbal making discordant sounds rather than rhythmic beats that can be used to create good music which is enjoyable to the human ears.

Loud noise—sound without sapidity.

There is no real melody. 

It is incongruent and misaligned. 

It is basically noise bereft of thoughtful tonality to produce music and meaning.

Applied to spiritual reality, it is seemingly noble activity perceived to be “good works” but at the core it is out of sync with God’s true nature and fundamental value—which is love. 

It is not consistent with godly motives.

Furthermore, it is out of alignment God’s redemptive Plan and righteous Spirit.

It is thus out of tune with God’s ensemble.

It is fruitless in God’s estimation.

It does not have true spiritual essence and value because it does not carry the Nature, Spirit, character, DNA or genetic code of God. 

Such is any religious or spiritual activity that is not motivated by charity or godly love—the love of God. 

When God weighs or evaluates our good deeds, how will they hold up in His divine assessment?

Will they be spiritual nil? May they not be!

So what can we do? 

I suggest we rethink our rationale now.

Thank you for your time.


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