"Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us]." (Romans 8:37 AMP)

More than conquerors. 

Beyond conquering. More than champions. Winning before warfare is ever conceived. Before the conquest, victory is assured.

Proclaimed winner even before the enemy has even thought about fighting you much less devised any strategy to fight you. 

Overcomer from the foundation of the Earth. 

In life and in death, in sickness and in health, in time and in eternity, God has elected the One New Man in Christ to be conqueror and overcomer in all things. 

From lifeless corpse to resurrected body, a victor after the order of the Resurrected Christ.

By the Eternal Decree of His Majesty on High!

Angels and demons cannot tamper with His Will.

“Forever, His Word is settled in Heaven.”

Bodily death is swallowed up in the Resurrection.


The gift of life everlasting is the greatest blessing of all bequeathed to sons of the Fall.

“Hallelujah! The LORD God Omnipotent reigns!”

Happy, blessed and to be envied are those who have been called and chosen to be crowned victors by reason of the infinite-reaching victory of the Lord of lords and King of kings. 

All of creation, in the spiritual and physical realms, belongs to Him who created life; and they do His bidding by default regardless of their choice. All choices culminate in the fulfillment of His Everlasting and Unchanging Decrees. Selah!

There is no one like the LORD. There’s nothing that can be compared to Him.

The Ruler and Judge of all things, great and small, visible and invisible. To think that He made us for His pleasure.

The righteous will of the Everlasting Father. He delights in our holiness and uprightness. He requires truth in the inward man.

He saves the meek and rescues the weak. He sets the captives free and gives peace.

He is our God; we are His people. He seeks true spiritual worship. He created us for good works. He redeemed us with His Blood.

In the Incarnation, He felt our plight. He Himself took our punishment. How dare we not believe and receive. How dare we reject such great gift.

Everlasting life, unending dominion. Infinite victory, default conquering. Overcomer by design before war is imagined. Winner by default before battles are even thought of. Without having to fight and before having to fight. Declared champion by the victory of Another.

The LORD of hosts, Mighty in battle. The beginning and end of all conquests. Satan plays on a micro to deceive the wicked.

The Script is written, sealed authoritatively.

Blessed are those who trust in His Word.

Blessed I say are those who trust in the LORD.

The earth is passing, everything will vaporize.

The Great Day of Reckoning is coming. 

Blessed are those who have found Refuge.

Blessed are those love the Way of Truth.

Blessed are those who believe in His Love.

Blessed are those who humble their soul.

Blessed are those who eschew evil and deceit. 

Woe to the world because of wickedness. When sin is judged with eternal punishment. When deceiver and deceived are judged. It will be a terrible day! The day of the LORD the Avenger!

Run for dear life, desist from your deception. Repent from idols, iniquity and injustice. Purge your heart of contempt and conceit. Come down from your high horses, o mortals. Surrender to The King as I also have surrendered to Him. 

I confess and will yet confess my foolishness. I renounce my reckless failings and frailties. I strip myself of all the scandalous encumbrances.

You also judge yourself in the light of Christ.

(I do not judge you: for judgment is coming).

Now, would you cover your sinister atrocities? Will you lord it over men of like impermanence?

Fellow mortal, behold The Sovereign LORD!

Refrain from destroying innocent vessels. Restore to them their portion you looted. But if you must, then delight yourselves. 

Every man’s lot has been predetermined.

I love you still, I forgive you nonetheless. Even if we don’t see eye to eye, no worries. Thank you.

I endure my suffering with thanksgiving.

You did what you did yet it was not by you. You were used to execute a scripted plan. So the purpose of the Great God is achieved.

Thanks to the All Wise Sovereign LORD.

Even Satan the Old Serpent has a purpose. Apostate Judas fulfilled his own usefulness also. The betrayal, the conspiracy, the crucifixion. The underhanded schemes to destroy a man.

The spirit at work in wicked and bitter hearts. The devastating network of vengeful wolves. As bad as, if not worse than, seen in “sinners”.

The difference between Christ and Antichrist. False Christianity versus the True Christ. A crystal clear distinction in the distinct responses.

Blessed are those who know Jesus Christ!

I am a sinner saved by the Grace of Christ. I know Who I have believed, and His TruthI live each day as the beginning of His DayPilgrim detached from the glitz of the world. Tenured traveler passing through this earth. I look to Christ, my Source and Sustainer.

“For me to live is Christ, to die is gain.”

The Holy One saves to the utmost.

The Hope of sinners such as myself, who has been amongst the most wretched and depraved.

He adorns Himself in the praises of salvation. No one else can save a sinner, no one can save!

He is More than Conqueror! He is LORD! We are but in Him, sharing His nature. Called to partake in His Divine Nature. Chosen to live in His Eternal Glory.

O what everlasting joy, what glory divine!

He made us absolute winners in life and death. He made us for His eternal glory and praise. Our entire existence is for His everlasting pleasure. 

He is The Most High and Almighty Ruler. 

Father of spirits, God of all flesh. 

Sovereign LORD, All Wise and All knowing.

All Powerful, All Gracious and All Glorious!

Holy, Just and Righteous, without any evil. 

Without partiality or respect of persons.

His Truth and Righteousness shall prevail.

Perfect, Absolutely Perfect and Soverign.

“Every knee shall now and every tongue shall confess that Yeshua is the LORD God!”

The LORD who saved us has made us more than conquerors. He has conquered all things for us.

“In the world, you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

The Lord Jesus Christ has overcome for us. 

Nothing can conquer us or separate us from Him. 

His Love is stronger than deathLife everlasting! 

In Him, we are perpetual, infinite and everlasting conquerors from the foundation of the Earth and throughout Eternity. 

Glory be to the LORD God Almighty!

"For I am convinced [and continue to be convinced--beyond any doubt] that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38,39 AMP)


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