(Food for thought: something that warrants serious consideration).

Bottom line: everyone should evaluate their own selves. It is easier to see other people’s wrongs than to see one’s own. 

No one is perfect yet some people project a perfect image until their blunders are pointed out then they use the no one is perfect card as a cop out. 

Sometimes people deflect and put the spotlight on the blunders of others and away from theirs. 

Authentic communication, companions and communities require authenticity in motive not perfection in performance or outward/visible actions or words.

Subtle sabotage is a thing with the sad reality of false friends. Better a true foe than a false friend. The worse enemy is a false friend. Just as, better a true sinner than a false saint. 

Not everyone will believe in us. But one should be true to oneself, listen to and assess oneself in thought, word and deed. One must not ignore the promptings of their intuition, gut feeling, hunches or premonition. We’re not always crazy or paranoid and we do not always need to doubt our extra sensory perceptions. 

Clean hands and a clear conscience before God and man are paramount to avoid regrets on one’s deathbed. Life is transient. Only a spiritual and eternal fool disregards and turns a blind eye on their eternal fate and focuses all their hearts desires, highest and greatest interests, sole motivations and entire investments on this fleeting life. What an eternal tragedy!

Better to be defrauded than to defraud for the Just Judge of the living and the dead is totally impartial, incorruptible, all knowing and all wise.

The Eternal, Omnipotent and Omniscient Spirit cannot be deceived or hoodwinked by mortal man who is flesh and blood with a finite mind and whose days on earth are numbered. The Lord will judge righteously and repay everyone according to their works: deeds and motives. 

It’s either one believes in God or does not. Either one fears God or does not. Either the Scriptures are absolutely true or they’re not. Either they’re the word of the Creator of all life or they’re not. 
One cannot afford to pay lip service to the eternal word of the true and living God. 

Religion without the reverential knowledge of God or reverential fear of God is an exercise in fatal futility and zealous ignorance. 

God will save those who acknowledge their utter sinfulness and wretchedness, who truly see their need for the Savior and wholly call upon Him to rescue them from depravity and damnation.

The gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes. Anyone who thwarts or corrupts the gospel for selfish reasons or material benefit has misled souls from eternal salvation and led them on to eternal damnation whilst deceiving them that they are worshipping or serving God; such a person no matter their religious title is an enemy of Christ, an enemy of God and man, a colleague and servant of Satan the devil, the evil one; and such a one is much more wicked and dangerous than anyone can possibly be on earth. For what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul! Better not to have been born than to have a long earthly existence but to be eternally (forever and without ending) damned under the everlasting wrath and punishment of the Most High, the Holy One, who dwells in light which no man can approach, who hates iniquity and will punish all unrighteousness and wickedness. 

Indeed the fear of the Almighty God is the very beginning of true wisdom. Every other worldly wisdom, all cunningness or craftiness, is but utter foolishness before the Everlasting King.
Heaven and Earth will pass away but My words shall never pass away, says the Sovereign God. 
Do we really know the LORD God?????

To Him who alone is all holy be all glory, even now and forever more. Amen and amen! 🙏


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