JESUS SAVES So we know God created man but man fell and evil entered the world. The world is going to be destroyed and man is surely headed for everlasting damnation. However, the good news is that God came as a man, in the person of Jesus Christ to pay the penalty of death for man thus Jesus Christ took our place as he died, was buried, and rose again from the dead so that we can be justified as blameless and guilt-free before God without any condemnation; now those who believe this substitutionary sacrifice are saved and declared righteous (in right standing) with God for no man can of himself be righteous before the Most High and Holy Almighty God. But now because of what Jesus Christ has done for us, we can come boldly before God and call Him our Father for His Spirit helps us to believe this good news as truth and to relate with God as Daddy and thus to live to do His will from our hearts and to please Him in all we do. Glory to God. May He alone be praised...