
Showing posts from November, 2021


  JESUS SAVES So we know God created man but man fell and evil entered the world. The world is going to be destroyed and man is surely headed for everlasting damnation.  However, the good news is that God came as a man, in the person of Jesus Christ to pay the penalty of death for man thus Jesus Christ took our place as he died, was buried, and rose again from the dead so that we can be justified as blameless and guilt-free before God without any condemnation; now those who believe this substitutionary sacrifice are saved and declared righteous (in right standing) with God for no man can of himself be righteous before the Most High and Holy Almighty God.  But now because of what Jesus Christ has done for us, we can come boldly before God and call Him our Father for His Spirit helps us to believe this good news as truth and to relate with God as Daddy and thus to live to do His will from our hearts and to please Him in all we do. Glory to God.  May He alone be praised...


  GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD… God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. (Contemporary English Version) For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life. (Amplified Bible)


Hallelujah to the Lord Jesus Christ! Glory!  Dear Believers, no matter how ‘off’ we feel or how seemingly bad the circumstances, let us learn and grow to trust God to be always there for us, and that everything is working out for good to them who love God and are “the called” according to His purpose.  Don’t allow Satan or situations to dishearten, dispirit or discourage you. Learn to live above emotion and to focus on what is written in God’s word.  As God was with the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace of King Nebuchadnezzar, God is not just WITH Believers but INSIDE Believers.  This GREAT TRUTH is something to deeply rejoice in and to forever be grateful to God for. This has been made possible by the death, burial, and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST, a gift given freely by GRACE and received through FAITH.  What GREAT SALVATION! Nothing else is greater!  This is the GREAT PLAN of God for man. God is with us and God is in us. Glory! We must know this. W...


  Choices, my friend; it’s about choices. You have the power to choose right or wrong. God gave this to you. Don’t throw it away.  Everyone has theirs. Don’t give yours away.  Our choices in life will truly make or mar us. Satan tries to undermine our “power of choice”.  Why? So he can subtly “choose for us”, thus controlling, manipulating, and misleading us. What must we do? Surrender our will and power of choice to God.  Let not our choice revolve around SELF (i), but around the SPIRIT of the LORD (the Great I Am). Seek “godly wisdom” from Scriptures and spiritual men who put God’s truth above man’s tradition. Seek to do God’s will and to please the Father. Grace to us all. God bless you. #grace #wisdom #power  #choice #you #God


  Now, this is the hope based on saving faith and sustained by the love of God in a man’s heart. This hope is based on faith in Jesus Christ. This hope deeply consists of inner strength, patience, and spiritual growth and maturity. Hope is powerful and enduring.  So, while faith takes full delivery of God’s promises; and while love is the lead motive or reason which ensures delivery through God’s grace and mercy, hope sustains and stabilizes until the delivery, calmly enduring every phase of time, tests, and trials. Hope is a weapon against discouragement. Hope is a shield against setbacks or attacks. Hope motivates us to stay pure, in and out. Hope is powered by the Holy Spirit. 💦🔥 Hope is the anchor of eternal salvation. ✅ Hope is the assurance of everlasting glory! ☀️ Praise be to the LORD God of our hope. 🙌 (Dear Child of God, I encourage you to meaningfully read the scriptural passages below to reinforce your faith in Jesus Christ. May God grant you grace and underst...


  SHALL WE CONTINUE IN SIN?  God forbid. Simple, short, and strong answer! It’s not the Father’s will that His children should keep rising and falling into sin. He wants us to live the victorious Christ life. That’s God’s perfect will.  However, we must learn to depend on the power and strength of His Spirit. If we rely on our own strength, we will miss the mark. It is the mercy of God that corrects and chastises us when we become complacent or confident in our flesh so that we can come back to dependence on God. There is nothing good about sin; for it pays out dark dividends of “death”: which is, spiritually speaking, “separation from the life of God”. Do NOT be more afraid of physical death than spiritual death. Physical death is nothing (just a transition, my friend, for we are eternal spirits; selah) compared to spiritual death and eternal damnation (not ever to be even imagined!)  Just as people carefully avoid every infectious epidemic or pandemic, so men MUST ...


  Word to the true child of God (you know if you are; the strong witness of the Spirit of Christ within, with personal pruning aka ‘dealings’ in maturity). Let me tell you something very, very important: **MANY know within them that they are headed to the lake of fire in eternity so they are now hell-bent on taking as many as they can with them.** There are many strategies they employ and deploy ‘intentionally’, including but not limited to offenses, manipulations, setups, deceptions, false witnessing, false accusations, fabrications, exaggerations, distractions, temptations, rejections, isolation, irritation, dissipation, add.ictions,, ridicule, rage, killings, scams, frauds, etc. Offenses will be an underlying trigger-point strategy applicable to all modes of operation.  BE watchful and prayerful; and obtain #grace: to walk above these lower forces of despondency. Like the grave or She’ol, place or abode of the dead, has enlarged its mouth, and BOTH ...


  KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. The eyes of your heart, your spiritual attention, the focus of your life, your desire, expectation, hope, strength and source of love, wisdom, courage and encouragement, o let this only be: JESUS CHRIST! Be filled with His own Spirit and be focused on the Word, Will, Way of THE FATHER (hallowed be His HOLY Name) and our glorious “Master Jesus Christ”, to whom be all praise and glory, now and forever! 🙏🔥 #selahsayings #KingdomFirst #LightOfLife #eyesonJesus #heartforGod


If you mis.lead others, you will be dam.ned. If you’re mis.led by your favorite idols and role models, you are do.omed. No excuses; you were forewarned and you must indeed take personal responsibility for yourself and your soul. Selah! But all those who mis.lead or off.end, that is, cause others to stumble and sin, will indeed receive the greatest, highest and heaviest co.ndemnation, da.mnation, and de.struction. This is most tra.gic! Do NOT go about causing people to be weary, off.ended, discouraged, weakened in the faith, vulnerable to Satan’s at.tacks, deceived, or hurt because you cheated or took undue advantage of them and thus they stumbled and fell into SIN of whatever form and frequency. Check yourself. Do NOT teach anything and call it gospel if it is contrary to the TRUTH as revealed in Scriptures, causing ANYONE to be de.ceived or mis.led by any FA.LSE gospel and FA.LSE doctrines or teachings. This word is from the LORD JESUS Himself. And confirmed by His Apostle to the Gent...


  Sin is a killer. It is a destroyer of lives, homes, relationships, families, society, and the world. We must avoid it at all costs. We must seek God's grace to continually overcome and live above sin. We must confess and forsake all habitual forms of sin, or the lifestyle of sin. In the matter of sin, a person must examine their own heart, motives, words, actions, and reactions first and foremost before attempting to examine another person. We must avoid the deceitful or pretentious attitude of judging others while we ourselves engage in sins, whether similar or in different forms. We must be truly transparent.  We must seek to put a full STOP to ALL #sin. With heartfelt humility and honesty, may we sustain the authenticity to admit our TOTAL dependence on God's Grace and the genuine compassion to support and encourage fellow brothers and sisters within the pathways of Righteousness, in thought, word, and deed. Grace, mercy, and peace to all who do this. Amen and Amen.


  100 years ago, we were not here.  100 years from now, we will not be here. Let's ALL stay humble, focused, grounded, level-headed, sober-minded and contented.  🙏🙏🙏 Live now, for the time of departure will come.  As ALL OTHERS have "come and gone", so WE ALL who have come into this world shall also go.  NO HUMAN IS EXEMPT. It's the universal "entry and exit" mechanism of this physical/bio life.  Let's love people and leave a positive impact and legacy. In all the busyness and noisiness of life, let's find time to connect our Soul to its Source.  "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a HEART OF WISDOM."/"Teach us to realize the brevity of life, that we may GROW IN WISDOM." Love and Peace!


What really is Money that Man should worship, or do literally anything for it, including harm, scam, kidnap or kill other Humans? What is this mammoth entity? Paper money has no intrinsic value but the perceived and completely delegated value vested on it by its creator, namely, Man.  Money is a vector for transmitting value, a tool for expressing or experiencing value.  The real value is in the product or service you bought, purchased, sold or gave in exchange for it. It is a visible means of measuring or quantifying the human potential for physical and psychological satisfaction.  If we experience value and satisfaction of any product and service without accessing cash, card, chip, or cash calls, then why do we need to romanticize the literal paper or proverbial bag, or feel the ego rush, emotional thrill  and morale boost from being credited with a sum of money or from viewing a number of digits on the digital dashboard or paper printout of a financial statement o...


  The people started crying when God's Law was read to them. Then Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the priest and teacher, and the Levites who had been teaching the people all said, “This is a special day for the LORD your God. So don't be sad and don't cry!” Nehemiah told the people, “Enjoy your good food and wine and share some with those who didn't have anything to bring. Don't be sad! This is a special day for the LORD, and he will make you happy and strong.” The Levites encouraged the people by saying, “This is a sacred day, so don't worry or mourn!” When the people returned to their homes, they celebrated by eating and drinking and by sharing their food with those in need, because they had understood what had been read to them. #selahsayings  #KingdomFirst  #lightoflife #Neh8


Trustworthiness births Trust Dishonesty births Distrust Don’t ask to be trusted  Just be trustworthy  The end.


  Do you give because they told you that it will make you rich or the money will be doubled? Do you give so people will applaud, praise, honor, and revere you as “greatest giver”? Do you give to control people to do what you want, making them feel that they owe you? OR... Are you kind, generous, and long-suffering? Do you hate to see people suffer and hurt? Do you have compassion for humanity? Do you have the fear of the living God? Let the following be our goal and mindset: Whatever we do, we do it as to the Lord and not unto men. His love constrains and compels us, else we would have been cruel to fellow human beings but no, the Spirit Life within produces the Spirit Fruit for others to benefit richly from (whosoever thirsts, let him drink) for out of our belly flows rivers of living water. It’s beyond money and materials. It’s love, light, and life! It’s abundant life, full and free! We also add this spiritual disclaimer:  Look not on us for we are nothing and can do nothin...


It’s not my job or your job to save everyone. Christ has paid the ultimate price for humanity. Rest, already. Help when you can then let go. Do what you can but don’t die for anyone. If you must die, die for Christ and His truth. Cast all your burdens, worries, and anxieties on the Lord; for He truly, genuinely cares for you. This is for those who feel guilty for not saving everyone who comes to them for help.  Nobody really cares if you live or die. They just want to get their own way in life.  Only God truly cares! #Selah


True motivation is not about scheming and striving to be “the best above the rest”.  No, sound or spiritual motivation isn’t about the inordinate desire for fame and fortune, nor selfish ambition for material acquisition. True motivation is about understanding the power of one’s choice, decision, and action. It is about driving towards a meaningful goal not societal standards for success.  It is getting up every time you fall. It is about taking personal responsibility for your own growth and progress.  It is about determination and dedication. It’s about focus and fruitfulness.  It’s about ultimately being able to take whatever life throws at you and yet keep moving forward, one step at a time, one foot in front of the other.  Tenacious. Relentless. Resilient. Fearless. Dauntless. Sturdy. Undefeated. Quickened. You keep on keeping on. Godly motivation is in exhortation, admonition, edification, encouragement, and empowerment by the Spirit of God to go the extra...


  Guard your HEART above all else, for it determines the course of your life. (Prov 4:23) For as he thinks in his HEART, so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, But his HEART is not with you. (Prov 23:7) For it is with your HEART that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. (Rom 10:10) Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our HEARTS by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. (Rom 5:5) Jesus replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your HEART, all your soul, and all your mind.’ (Matt 22:37, NLT) Then Christ will make his home in your HEARTS as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. (Eph 3:17)


Dear Sinner, What did you say again? My sin is bigger than yours? Oh no! and yes my sin is great and grievous. But I only need and want to hear from JESUS. “Yeshua Hamashiach”, who DIED for MY SINS. He alone is worthy to give the full and final verdict. O Lord Jesus, please do take over complete control. Fellow Sinner, let us look to the “ Lamb of God ” . Let’s receive the work of the BLOOD OF CHRIST ! Then, let’s walk in the NEWNESS OF GOD’S LIFE ! Indeed, JESUS CHRIST IS LORD over everything!


I recently read a post that clearly stated this: “The sow-to-prosper gospel is fraud.”  We live in a day when material success is viewed as the peak of God’s blessings and the goal of every human being. Even a larger percentage of “Christians” have been made to believe MONEY is the greatest thing that can happen to them and is a sign of God’s approval. We need to see and answer this topical question in the full light of Scriptures, to glean true or accurate scriptural and spiritual understanding.  The application of the biblical and biological concept of “seed” or “sowing” has been bastardized and mutilated to manipulate lots of people in Africa by merchants of religion for their financial gains.  In all sense of honesty and truthfulness, religion has become a mechanism or system of organized economic profiteering using the name of God.  This is not to say Christians or churches should not have money. They should but in the right and honest way, not by peddling false...