
Showing posts from January, 2024


  This will be straight to the point. To be clear, tithing is not a salvation issue.  The sound Scriptural principle is “faithfulness in the stewardship of all our God-given resources” including financial resources.  According to the understanding based on careful study of the truth of Scripture, it is truly no longer generally legislated or (externally) stipulated in the Body of Christ as a mandatory payment (ie, taxation) of a mystical “tenth” (ten percent) of one’s income but the “generous, cheerful and faithful giving” of true Believers in Christ, as each man has (under God) “decided in his heart to give”, in loving and dutiful support of ministers, and ministry or the work of the Lord, and also Believers in need.  This is what helps the Body to bond, grow stronger, serve one another selflessly, be sustained materially and thrive together as one in unity or “in one accord”.  That’s the position I find in the New Testament.  It is the pattern of Christ s...


  Dear Child of God It is godly (Christlike) for us to be gracious, supportive of and encouraging to fellow believers for whom Christ died.  This is one of the ways that we practically bear fruits in keeping with being saved and worthy of the Lord who has called us to His eternal inheritance together with the saints. We are all growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, yet we are at different levels of spiritual growth and maturity.  Barring false prophets (who are holding on to and teaching false gospels or doctrines of devils to deceive, mislead, enslave and exploit people) and barring unrepentant sinners (wicked and unregenerate hearts who do not love the Lord Jesus, are spiritually dead and unfruitful), true Christians (who are genuinely saved and sealed with the Spirit of Christ) sometimes struggle with some degree of human imperfections such as pettiness, talkativeness, gossip, pride, anger, coarse jesting, rude speech or behavior, lies, disrespect, s...


In 2021, I had a major crisis, something extreme that I had never imagined could happen to me. A subtle religious crisis targeted at me.  Some religious industry cabals, who were bitter about the things I wrote to bear witness to the Truth and who had come together to network and conspire against me, sent some dark but disguised agents to execute their satanic plan of destruction. They not only attacked my finances to dry up my resources. They also attacked my physical and mental health, even using people around me (including people I was patronising or paying) whom they had lied to about me and thus had been effectively compromised.  This covert attack also included financial institutions; public servants and officers; public utilities; private services and businesses I patronize; associations; social activities; my phones; my businesses; my investments; close associates; neighbors; relatives; clients; double agents; false Christians; fake friends, etc.  Maybe even you. ...


A popular preacher recently made the assertion that John the Baptist died the way he died because he “veered off the Will of God and began to do things that were not in his prophetic blueprint.” He went further to categorically state: “that is not how God rewards those who walk with Him.” Has he not read about the Prophets of Old, the Apostles of the Lamb and the many Christians who were persecuted and killed in the Early Church and throughout Church History? Has he not read? Has he not known? Has it not been told him what the LORD Almighty said? “On account of this, behold, I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes; some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will flog in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city, so that upon you may fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. Truly I say to you, all the...


  God cannot lie. God cannot change. God is not partial or unjust. God is no respecter of men’s persons. God gives and takes. God exalts and demotes. God blesses and curses. God kills and makes alive. God is Sovereign. He does what pleases Him. Yet God is good not evil. Everything He does is good.  The premise that God does not kill is based on the strange notion that God has no will or right to call back who He created, or on the fleshly understanding that God’s killing or taking life is done with wicked intent or evil coloration.  Remember the parable of the rich fool when God said “today your soul is required of you” . God recalled his soul and thus took him from the Earth.  God knows the number of our days. Our lives are in His hands. The hearts of kings are in His hands. He runs the affairs of the world. Ask King Nebuchadnezzar.  Question: When God calls His people home, is it a good or bad thing? Is it killing, recalling or causing to sleep? Is this a matt...