This will be straight to the point. To be clear, tithing is not a salvation issue. The sound Scriptural principle is “faithfulness in the stewardship of all our God-given resources” including financial resources. According to the understanding based on careful study of the truth of Scripture, it is truly no longer generally legislated or (externally) stipulated in the Body of Christ as a mandatory payment (ie, taxation) of a mystical “tenth” (ten percent) of one’s income but the “generous, cheerful and faithful giving” of true Believers in Christ, as each man has (under God) “decided in his heart to give”, in loving and dutiful support of ministers, and ministry or the work of the Lord, and also Believers in need. This is what helps the Body to bond, grow stronger, serve one another selflessly, be sustained materially and thrive together as one in unity or “in one accord”. That’s the position I find in the New Testament. It is the pattern of Christ s...