I forgive you.. Don't fear me... But fear the Ultimate Avenger! ******* Just because I forgive does not mean people can do me intentional wrong and go scout free. Pitiful jokers... No, there's no vacuum in life. So what part of "Vengeance is Mine, says the LORD, I will repay" do they not understand? Please don't fear me. We are all sinful men. But fear God. Are you listening? Again I say, FEAR GOD. He is no respecter of men's persons. He only has respect for His principles. Selah! That's why no matter who you are, pauper or prince, prophetess or prostitute, old or young, colored or Caucasian... If you sow apple seeds, then apple fruits shall you shall reap. Apples. Not pineapples. It's that precise. If you jump from a height without a flying or landing device, gravity will take care of your physical mass (body) without hesitation or reservation. If you don't fear the Almighty but you fear human beings who don't forgive or who are wicked, w...