Below are some KEY parameters that show a person is actually IN CHARGE of themselves. You're NOT in PSYCHOLOGICAL (MENTAL and EMOTIONAL) BONDAGE to money, sex, religion, friends, family, fans, fame, fashion, fantasy, food, drinks (whether it's alcoholic or non alcoholic), drugs, or any other material thing. You're FREE. You take RESPONSIBILITY for your thoughts, words and actions. You don't have the TOXIC HABIT of always PLAYING the BLAME GAME, that is blaming people or things for problems. You are proactive with learning and prioritize your personal growth and self development. You're living your life on your own terms and NOT with the obsession of pleasing people. You make your own decisions based on logic and researched or relevant information, NOT based on TEMPORARY feelings or emotions. You're emotionally secure enough to be your TRUE self and allow others to be themselves. You're aware of both your strengths and your weaknesses, and you manage B...