As we walk sincerely with God, He will work on our heart to develop our character, teaching us His truth in His word, molding us with tough experiences, correcting our blunders and straying, and leading us in the right path. He only needs us to have humble and trusting hearts, keeping our eyes only on Him. He knows us inside out. He knows each man's ability and each man's heart. Until He becomes our everything, until we stop trying to play smart and hustle in our own cleverness, until we learn true heart humility and unconditional love and forgiveness, until He has tried our heart and purified it of every idol, every vanity and every false method, we may never see Him in His fullness on our behalf even with all our convoluted religion. Do you have this real, personal, conscious walk with God? If you do, you will know in what areas He is working on you per time, sometimes in hindsight, sometimes in real time, but you will know. You will hear Him, if you car...